Just a quick update on miss Ava. She is still requiring a small amount of oxygen in order to keep her oxygen saturation above 95% but is continuing to sleep well, eat well, and do plenty of playing. The biggest disappointment is that the removal of her trach has been postponed. They have a policy that the patient has to be healthy for at least 6 weeks prior to decanulation and since it was scheduled for September 14th, it has to be delayed. We don't know when that will be...later this fall, next spring??? We go to the vent clinic next Wednesday and we will see how Ava is doing and what they think the best game plan is for her. So as you can imagine, we are praying for patience. We look forward to this day so much no matter when it happens but it's tough to know that we will now have to wait a while longer. It just helps us remember that God has a plan and as parents we need to find peace in the fact that He can take better care of our children than we can.
Sorry this post once again doesn't have any cute pictures...I promise my next post will include some!
Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about her all day and praying for a speedy recovery for both the girls. Please keep us posted. Is Reese doing better?