Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Highlight of the Day...Ice Chips!

Since lunch last Thursday Ava has eaten one oyster cracker and two bites of applesauce.  She has not even wanted to be offered food but one thing she has been asking for non-stop is water.  Unfortunately, she has not been able to have any fluids or food (other than her IV) since the surgery.  Her poor little tongue, pasty white and chapped lips to the extreme.  However, today she was approved to have ice chips!!!  The downside is Ava wanted ice chips continuously and we had to limit them to 1 oz. every two hours.

Other than that, today has been a pretty good day.  She has been very alert and more herself.  She has been urinating and walking around.  She even pointed at chips laying in her room and said she wanted them.  Something we haven't heard in a while.  Then while looking at pictures on mommy's phone she said a picture of herself and Reese eating at IHOP.  She said, "I want to go to IHOP and eat pancakes and eggs."  So great to hear other than the fact it could be two days before they allow her to have food...we'll see.  She has some pain in her belly due to the fact her intestines have been heavily handled but she is weathering it well.

Here are some pictures now that I'm writing this post on a laptop instead of an iPad....I'll keep the updates coming as best as possible.  Let's hope tomorrow is a big day...maybe removal of the NG tube and possibly oral fluids???  Time will tell.

The beginning of this all...

Friday...her common position Thursday night, Friday, and Saturday...horizontal with her shirt up.

 Saturday trying to give her some fresh air...eyes already dark and color fading.
Grammy holds Ava post-surgery...loves to have her blankie over or on her face.

Today, one day after surgery.

Hanging out with the new elephant Nana and Pappy sent!

A new book and magnadoodle...Thanks Southards!

Awesome animal books from our friends the Ahrings and Kluttzs!  She also got beautiful flowers from the Proctors!  Ava could handle this aspect of hospital stays anytime!

This is actually her grinning after she learned she could have ice chips!
Ice chips..."More please."  "More please."
Up and moving!!!!

And in case you were wondering...we are attempting to give Reese plenty of attention too!

On the playground outside Children's Mercy.

At IHOP with Grammy and Larry having pancakes and eggs!  If only sissy knew...


  1. Great job mommy and daddy. God bless those dedicated to the art of medicine and healthcare.

  2. Hilary,
    I just read about Ava's sickness and surgery. I'm so glad she is on the mend. Lots of prayers from Iowa for that little lady!

  3. So happy to hear the good report. Will keep you all in our continued thoughts and prayers. And hope you can break out of there soon!!!

  4. What a sweet baby!! I just want to come squeeze her so bad! :) Love to you all!

  5. Glad she's up and moving. Thinking of you guys!
